Fein Starlock Plus Sanding Set 4-1/2" - w/ Disc & 2 Sheets Ea. 60-80-180 Grit

SKU: FIN 63806195210

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Fein Starlock Plus Hook & Loop Perforated Sanding Set 4-1/2" - Includes Disc & 2 Sheets Ea. 60-80-180 Grit

For fast, efficient sanding of medium-sized areas. The alternative to random orbit or pad sanders. No kickback on edges. Easy operation, excellent removal rate. Can be used with or without dust extraction. Plastic carrier plate to prevent damage and marks on the workpiece.
Round shape, perforated version, hook and loop surface. Price includes: 1 sanding disc 4-1/2 in dia., perforated, 2 sanding sheets 60, 80, 180 grit each, perforated
Dia. 4-1/2 in

Mount SLP

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