V3 Go FF 24V 002 KIT

SKU: LEW 6672212108142

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  • Regular price $4,048.00
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Lewmar V3 vertical windlass fits boats up to 15 meters and can handle both chain and anchor line. They have manual chain release (freefall/fall anchoring) and conical clutch for easy and handy control. The Lewmar V3 has a fall-proof anchor lock and a robust/reliable worm gear. Manual emergency kit is available as an option.

Lewmar FastFit for faster and easier installation allows the windlass to be installed by one person. The tire unit is mounted on the tire and the motor/gearbox is easily connected to the axle and can be rotated in 45° increments for the best fit.

Lewmar V3 vertical windlasses are supplied in complete kits with motor/gearbox, deck unit circuit breaker panel, fuse and contactor. Choose from anchor, chain, anchor line, remote control, foot switches, etc.

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